Monday, September 17, 2012

Bruschetta Steak (or Chicken)

*Steak (or boneless/skinless chicken breasts)
*1 Tbsp. balsamic vinegar
*1/2 Tbsp. olive oil
*3 medium tomatoes, diced
*2 cloves garlic, minced
*2 tsp. dried basil
* salt and pepper, to taste

1.  Combine vinegar, oil, tomatoes, garlic, basil, salt and pepper in bowl.  Mix gently.  Set aside.

2.  Grill/cook/bake steak (or chicken).

3.  Top meat with Bruschetta during last few minutes of cooking.

Serving Suggestion:  Serve over zucchini noodles or with sweet potato fries and a side of roasted veggies.

Zucchini Noodles

This is a great way to use up that surplus of giant zucchini.  For this recipe, the big ones are actually better.  These noodles are so good, you won't even miss the real pasta.
*large zucchini
*olive oil
*salt and pepper, to taste
*any other seasonings desired, to taste

1.  Julienne the zucchini.  Stop when you can see the seeds in the middle, then rotate the zuke and continue cutting your "noodles".

2.  Saute in olive oil to desired tenderness.

3.  Season with salt, pepper and any other seasonings.

Serving Suggestions:  Serve in place of pasta; with spaghetti  sauce,  meatballs, Bruschetta steak/chicken, Lemon Chicken or any other way you like.

Notes:  I suggest making more noodles than what you think you will want.  Although it looks like a lot, they don't go far.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Roasted Veggies

We've discovered how much we enjoy roasted vegetables. There is something about roasting that brings out a different flavor (and texture) than what one gets when steaming or sauteing.
*Veggies (carrots, broccoli, peppers, cauliflower, zucchini, just about anything), cut into bite-sized pieces.
*olive oil
*salt and pepper, to taste
*garlic powder, to taste
*fresh chives (optional)

1. In large bowl, toss veggies with olive oil. Use enough oil so veggies are coated but not swimming.

2. Spread veggies on baking sheet. Sprinkle with salt, pepper, garlic powder and chives.

3. Roast in 400-degree oven for 30 minutes.

-Zucchini may be done after about 20 minutes. Keep an eye on it so it doesn't burn.
-Mushrooms are also really good prepared this way despite the fact they are not a vegetable.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Ghee (aka Clarified Butter)

Ghee is the only Paleo-approved dairy product.  To make Ghee, one melts plain ol' real butter over very low heat for a really long time then strains it.  This process separates the irritants from the fat. 

*butter (real butter, not margarine)

1.  Melt butter over very, very low heat.  (I set my stove at 1.)

2.  Stir butter until it melts, then leave it alone and let it simmer for about an hour.  A white bubbly film will form.  This can be scraped off or left alone.

3.  Continue to simmer for another 30-90 minutes.  You will see the solids on the bottom of the pan begin to turn brown.  When you see this, the Ghee is finished.

4.  Place coffee filter in sieve  over pint-sized mason jar.  Strain Ghee.

5.  Allow to cool and store in fridge.  Ghee will harden at cooler temperatures, just like regular butter.

Recipe Source:  James Anderson via Primal Mountain Nutrition Challenge Facebook page.

Frittata Muffins

*cooking fat (Ghee, coconut oil, etc.)
*3 cloves garlic, minced
*spinach, chopped
*mushrooms, chopped
*tomatoes, chopped
*zucchini, shredded
*bacon, cooked and crumbled
*ham, thinly sliced
*8 eggs
*1/4 cup almond or coconut milk
*2 Tbsp. almond or coconut flour
*salt and pepper

1.  Melt fat in large frying pan.  Saute garlic.  Add other veggies.  Saute until tender.  Remove from heat.

2.  In large bowl, combine eggs, milk, flour, salt and pepper.  Mix.

3.  Coat muffin tins with olive oil or leftover cooking fat.

4.  Line tins with sliced ham.

5.  Spoon egg mixture into muffin tins.  Sprinkle with bacon and chives.

6.  Bake at 375-degrees for 20 minutes.  Turn pan after 10 minutes.

-Use as many or as few veggies as desired.
-Let sauteed veggies cool a little before adding to eggs.
-Makes 12 regular muffins or 6 large.

Recipe Source:  Adapted from

Lime-Chili Chicken

*3/4 cup lime juice
*2 Tbsp. olive oil
*2 Tbsp. chili powder
*2 tps. oregano
*2 tsp. cumin
*2 tsp. sage
*salt and pepper, to taste
*8 boneless/skinless chicken breasts

1.  Combine all ingredients and allow chicken to marinate for a couple of hours.

2.  Remove chicken from marinade, transfer marinade to saucepan and bring to low boil.  Boil/simmer until marinade begins to thicken.

3.  Grill chicken.  Brush with marinade several times during grilling.

Notes:  This is marinade is fairly mild.  For a bigger "kick", increase chili powder and/or cumin as desired.

Recipe Source:  Adapted from

Friday, July 13, 2012

Balsamic Steak

*balsamic vinegar
*tomatoes, sliced
*Italian seasoning
*salt and pepper

1.  Marinate steaks in balsamic vinegar for 2-3 hours.

2.  Season steaks with salt and pepper then grill.

3.  Top with tomatoes during last few minutes of cooking, sprinkle with Italian seasoning.

-All ingredients are as desired, as much or as little as you like.
-Can also be cooked on stove top or in baked in oven.
-To bake:  Place meat in baking dish (may want to add a little olive oil first), bake at 375-degrees until almost done.  (Baking time will vary depending on thickness of steaks.)  Top with tomatoes and Italian seasoning when meat is nearly done, then broil for about 5 minutes.

Serving Suggestion:  Serve on a bed of baby spinach leaves (the meat juices and balsamic make a good dressing), or with a spinach salad.